Arroweye Helps Swift Prepaid Gain Flexibility Through On-Demand Cards
Swift Prepaid Solutions serves markets that undergo regular disruption – and any time a client changes, so must its cards. To save on operations and get cards to market faster, the corporate incentive program manager works with Arroweye for on-demand card marketing and delivery. “The industry has evolved and cards have become more customized; it became a requirement to find a partner who could do a lot of creative things using technology,” said Brian Levin, chief financial officer at Swift.
EMV: A 4-Step Approach to Help Zero In on the Moving Target
EMV has been implemented around the globe, but the US is lagging behind. Fear of high costs, uncertainty about chip specifications and cardholder verification methods, and intimidating regulatory requirements have all meant that many organizations have been slow to take on the challenge of implementing EMV, even though new regulations say they must, and the National Retail Federation says it is the only secure standard. The cost of the transition to EMV is estimated to be $8 billion, and that number, while staggering, is causing some retailers to stop dead in their tracks when it comes to implementation.
Smaller Banks and Credit Unions Are Playing the EMV Waiting Game
Smaller banks appear to have other priorities than issuing smart cards to customers. After October 1, 2015, liability for fraudulent transactions at the point of sale will pass to the party that has not updated to the EMV (Europay-MasterCard-Visa) global standard.
Getting Ready for EMV
Arroweye CEO Render Dahiya outlines challenges and solutions in issuing smart chip payment cards.
Increased regulation and new technologies have transformed the banking and payment industries over the last decade. Our industry is constantly evolving and, the next big leap in that evolution is EMV “smart-chip” technology.
Paybefore Reveals Top Industry Awards in Las Vegas
Paybefore today announced the Best-in-Category winners in 20 categories for its eighth annual Paybefore Awards. The competition was fierce with companies and programs from the U.S., Canada, Turkey, Gibraltar, U.A.E., U.K, South Africa and Russia vying for top honors.
Card Issuers Unlikely to Follow Target’s Early EMV Lead
Most issuing banks are not allowing recent retailer data breaches to change their schedules for adopting EMV-chip cards, even though Target and other companies have said they would fast-track their own plans.
Retailers Covet Pin, Chip Tech to Boost Security, Says Carter’s CIO
Retailers at an industry confab here said that the retail and banking industries must reform their current payment practices to improve the security of customers’ information and avoid the type of data breaches recently experienced by Target Corp., TGT -0.92%
Pixels or Plastic? Gift Cards Get More Digital to Reach New Users
While most gift cards are still made of plastic, digital cards are increasing in popularity among consumers because of the many options to customize the cards “Mobile and virtual cards have an advantage in that they can be instantly delivered, purchased
How Arroweye EMV On-Demand Open-Source Platform Will Help Payment Card Industry – Launched at Money2020
After Arroweye launched EMV On-Demand a open-source platform, we contacted Render Dahiya, CEO of Arroweye for his perspective on EMV cards.
Arroweye Receives Patent for On-Demand Card Printing Technology
Arroweye Solutions, a card marketing and production company, has been awarded a patent for its digital on-demand technology. The patent protects Arroweye’s vertically integrated, digital on-demand model and the technology that enables the company to manufacture, personalize and encode payment cards.
Case Study: WSECU Leverages Arroweye’s Production Model to Expand Card Designs and Cut Costs by Over $100K
The Challenge Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) is a not-for-profit credit union known for providing unparalleled service to its 300,000+ members. This includes consistently quickly delivering high-quality credit and debit cards to members. In 2023, WSECU embarked on a corporate rebrand,