Arroweye Solutions Featured in Credit Union Journal
It’s easy to make certain assumptions about what various demographics want, but it’s also easy to be wrong. A recent survey on what people want from their financial institutions offers deeper insight.
Arroweye Solutions Featured in PYMNTS
The PYMNTS team caught up with experts in the payments field to ask them their views on industry trends, predictions for the coming year and what their ideal payments system looks like.
Arroweye Solutions‘ President and CEO Render Dahiya spoke about the three big thing in payments and what we can expect to see in the future.
Betty Mitchell Appointment Featured in the Chicago Business Journal
Mitchell will serve as the primary management contact and client liaison, and will manage client development and execution of growth plans.
Arroweye Solutions Featured in the Chicago Tribune
As the calendar flips to November and visions of Black Friday dance in their heads, holiday shoppers using new, more secure chip credit and debit cards will be learning a new checkout procedure.
While the added security might be welcome, new cards could mean more frustration and slower checkout lines during the bustle of holiday shopping.
Arroweye Blog: 4 Common Misconceptions About the EMV Liability Shift
The EMV liability shift is fast approaching, leaving card issuers and customers alike watching closely to see how the transition plays out and what’s next. The rumor mill has steadily created some misunderstandings about the EMV liability shift, and we’d like to take the opportunity to debunk the four we’re hearing most often.
Arroweye’s Partnership with The Card Collaborative International is Featured in Let’s Talk Payments
Arroweye Solutions, the only digital On-Demand payment technology firm, has been selected to provide EMV prepaid cards for The Card Collaborative International (TCCI). The flexibility of Arroweye’s Digital On-Demand model allows for better responsiveness to customer needs, and ensures that TCCI can better serve its clients, and slash lead times by putting cards in customers’ hands in days, not weeks.
Arroweye Featured in Digital Financial Leader TheStreet
Mark your calendar: October 1. That is when the rules of who picks up the losses for fraudulent use of credit cards shifts. There will be winners, there will be losers, and you definitely want to know how to maximize your safety.
Arroweye’s EMV Capabilities Featured in Paybefore
Arroweye Solutions, the only digital on-demand payment technology firm, is now offering enhanced EMV credit and debit card production capabilities for banks, credit unions and prepaid card providers that are preparing for the October 2015 EMV liability shift.
EMV Strategy for Banks
Our whitepaper EMV Strategy for Banks, recently published by Payments eXchange, explains why card issuers shouldn’t treat EMV like a “one and done” project.
EMV Best Practice
Although many financial institutions are engulfed in the back-office activity required to implement EVM chip cards, “the cardholder should be at the top of the EMV food chain,” reminded presenters in an Arroweye Solutions webinar, Best Practices to Navigate the EMV Transition.
Case Study: WSECU Leverages Arroweye’s Production Model to Expand Card Designs and Cut Costs by Over $100K
The Challenge Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) is a not-for-profit credit union known for providing unparalleled service to its 300,000+ members. This includes consistently quickly delivering high-quality credit and debit cards to members. In 2023, WSECU embarked on a corporate rebrand,