A Time to Reflect
April 1, 2020 marks Peter Krauss, President and CEO’s, one-year anniversary at Arroweye! In that short time period, his leadership has guided the Arroweye team to a laundry list of successes. These accomplishments range from the ‘never been done’ category,
Arroweye to remain open while fulfilling production demands during Governer Sisolak’s mandatory shut down of non-essential businesses within Nevada.
The Governor of Nevada addressed the State this evening and announced the mandatory closure of all non-essential businesses in the State of Nevada for 30 days. Although this is primarily targeting Restaurants, Bars, Casinos, Movie Theatres and other business segments,
Amino joins Arroweye
Amino is a digital health company that makes saving money on healthcare easy. Combining data, design, and consumer-first thinking, Amino offers information and services that guide people toward quality, affordable care. Its flagship product pairs transparency with a modern HSA
Arroweye in Colloquy – Getting More From Employee Incentive Programs
The employee incentives industry offers companies a seemingly endless selection of rewards, incentives and gifts designed to help boost employee satisfaction, stimulate sales teams or prioritize one initiative ahead of another. A great incentive program can help achieve any or all of these goals, but without strategic planning it can quickly become exceptionally costly, time-consuming and hard to manage. The truth is that not all rewards are created equal. So how do companies streamline incentive programs and drive results?
Arroweye in BAI – Outreach the Breach: Three Strategies Card Issuers Can’t Ignore in Confronting Data Compromise
Fifty-four percent of those 2014 breaches related to identity theft; 17 percent to financial access; and 11 percent to account access. And in that year, 32 data records were lost or stolen every second—averaging out to almost 2.8 million a day. In a world of widespread breaches, card issuers must look at reissuance as an opportunity.
Arroweye in Colloquy: 3 Levers Card Issuers Can Use to Boost Use and Profitability
By Render Dahiya There are constant pressures on the profitability of loyalty and rewards programs tied to credit, gift and prepaid card use. Consumers have more resources than ever that let them compare prices, perks and rewards, which means brands must
Arroweye Featured in the Las Vegas Review-Journal
Have a Starbucks card in your wallet? Chances are it was produced at a facility in Southern Nevada.
Same goes for your hotel key cards.
And it may even be the case for your credit and debit cards.
Arroweye CEO Featured in Independent Retailer
In today’s digital world, retail customers have come to expect real-time customer service, easy-to-use websites, and a wide choice of payment methods. As a retail merchant, if you are not yet offering a branded gift card as an option for shoppers to make purchases, you may want to reconsider that stance right now.
Arroweye’s Article in PaymentsSource Highlights EMV’s Impact on Disaster Recovery Plans
As EMV migration and adoption accelerate throughout 2016, an increase in Card Not Present fraud is inevitable. EMV shifts caused considerable spikes in CNP fraud in Canada and Europe more than a decade ago when mobile shopping didn’t even exist, and the ramifications for the U.S. could be enormous.
Arroweye Blog: How to Make Millennials Choose – and Keep – Your Credit Union
You probably already know that millennials are the largest, most diverse generation of Americans, comprising a third of our nation’s population. But how are they consuming financial services today and what can you do to capitalize on this valuable segment?
Case Study: WSECU Leverages Arroweye’s Production Model to Expand Card Designs and Cut Costs by Over $100K
The Challenge Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) is a not-for-profit credit union known for providing unparalleled service to its 300,000+ members. This includes consistently quickly delivering high-quality credit and debit cards to members. In 2023, WSECU embarked on a corporate rebrand,